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tutto quello che devi sapere sulla salute intima

Myths and Truths about intimate hygiene
No matter what cleanser I use for my intimate hygiene. It is just important that I wash myself!

FALSE. For your intimate hygiene, it is fundamental to use specific cosmetic products that are gentle and safe on your skin. Moreover, they must have a pH level suitable for the physiological pH level of women’s intimate area in the different stages of their life (pre-puberty, menstruation, reproductive age, pregnancy, post-partum, and menopause). Indeed, the intimate area has different characteristics compared to other parts of the body and a normal cleanser could be too aggressive on mucous membranes. In particular, pH is the index of well-being of the intimate area and it must be respected by the products applied on this area in order to prevent imbalances, which lead to a weakening of immune defences.

Itching in the intimate area can be a symptom of ongoing vaginal infections.

TRUE. One of the most common early symptoms of vaginal infections is itching, which leads to a series of complications, such as redness and burning. In the most serious cases, there is abundant malodorous vaginal discharge. Therefore, it is recommended to consult immediately a gynaecologist.

The choice of a specific intimate cleanser and the daily care of my intimate hygiene help me prevent infections and irritations.

TRUE. Female intimate hygiene is associated with the concept of prevention of infections and irritations during the entire lifetime, from childhood to mature age. It must always be adequate to the different phases of a woman’s life, and aimed at protecting the delicate balance of the natural defences of this part of the body.

My body already has its natural defences.

TRUE. In fertile women, the vaginal flora is composed of good bacteria, Lactobacilli, which naturally inhabit the intimate area, and perform different fundamental functions to keep the right pH balance and to fight pathogenic bacteria.

During menstruation, I can’t have a bath.

FALSE. During the days of your period, instead, you should pay even more attention to your hygiene, in order to remove the remaining residues of menstrual blood, using a specific cleanser with physiological pH. However, it is a good rule to make sure that the water is neither too hot, nor too cold. Temperature changes can affect the quantity and the duration of the menstrual flow.

It is not recommended to have vaginal douches, unless for curative aim.

FALSE. In certain conditions, such as during post-menstrual period, vaginal douches, with antibacterial properties and physiological pH, help remove remaining residues of menstrual blood that, stagnating in the vagina, can change the pH level and, consequently, create a fertile environment for the aggression of pathogenic germs.

In case of infection, both partners must be treated.

TRUE. Infections can be transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Therefore, if the woman has an infection, it is important that both partners are properly treated in order to prevent the so-called “ping-pong effect”, that is the infection is retransmitted back by the partner who does not undergo treatment.

A healthy diet helps protect the delicate balance of the intimate area.

TRUE. It is fundamental to have a healthy and balanced diet, which provides the right amount of milk enzymes and prebiotic fibres, useful for the regularisation of the whole prebiotic system of our body and, consequently, of the vaginal ecosystem.

The consumption of prebiotic fibres is good for my organism.

TRUE. Prebiotics are substances that, in the right amount, favour the growth of the saprophytic flora and lactobacilli, reduce pH level and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. They are fundamental to ensure the correct growth of Lactobacilli to the detriment of pathogenic bacteria and exert a natural antibacterial action.